feedback | TechWell


Apple cut open to reveal an orange inside 6 Signs Your Agile Project Isn’t Really Agile

There's a trend of organizations declaring they are agile without actually changing how they develop software. Declaring that an apple is an orange doesn’t make it so. These six key indicators can help you determine whether your agile project isn’t really agile after all—and give you some solutions to help.

Alan Crouch's picture
Alan Crouch
Coworkers holding up paper feedback speech bubbles Agile for Everything: Taking the Manifesto beyond Software

The values of the Agile Manifesto, while written to apply to software, can form a basis for an adaptive approach to any project. Going from specific to general and inspecting and adapting along the way are great design ideas, no matter what you’re working on. Here's how to use feedback to take agile beyond software.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Clipboard with customer feedback indicating good and bad experiences The Right Way to Respond to Customer Feedback

Due to time constraints and other logistical issues, it’s not always possible to respond to customers about their feedback. But when it is possible, the impact on the customers can be strongly positive if you make your response personal. Here are some things to keep in mind the next time you gather customer feedback.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Gauge showing low performance Detect Performance Issues in Production with Continuous Delivery

Maybe the most important source of feedback is what happens in production. It’s amazing the information you can get if you properly monitor and analyze the data. Continuous delivery gives more precise feedback from different sources, thanks to observing the impact of every realized change while improving traceability.

Federico Toledo's picture
Federico Toledo
Roadblock sign reading "Road closed" 4 Impediments to Nurturing a Feedback-Rich Culture

Being able to have open, candid conversations that fuel learning, growth, and improvement is critical to a team’s success, so it is important to look out for impediments that can get in the way of having a feedback-rich culture. Here are four common impediments to watch for, as well as behaviors you should nurture.

Joanna Vahlsing's picture
Joanna Vahlsing
Agile development code Integrating Code in Agile Software Development: Start with the Goal in Mind

Agile software development works because of continuous feedback at various levels, and the most important form of feedback is working software. One way to achieve rapid feedback is to integrate and deploy code frequently. Rather than starting with the process, first decide what "frequently" should mean for your team.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Conveyor belt delivering boxes Why Frequently Delivering Working Software Is Crucial to Agile

While completing documentation is often an indication that some progress has been made, until software has been implemented, tested, and approved by a customer, the amount of progress cannot be measured. Here are some common reasons agile teams fail to frequently deliver working software—and how to avoid them.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
Branches Choose Continuous Integration over Branching for Faster Feedback

Continuous integration is the best way to get feedback often on the state of your project. Running automated builds and tests after each integration improves reliability and predictability. Consequently, using task and feature branches, while useful in some cases, can be a distraction and delay getting information.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk