agile transition
Agile Is Not for Everyone (and That's OK) Agile is not just a lifecycle, but also a huge cultural shift for the entire organization. In this article, Johanna Rothman details some of the issues that prevent teams from transitioning to agile and discusses what a team's options are if it decides agile is not the way to go. |
Can Your Agile Team Be Trusted? Without taking away from the importance of trust between team members, maybe it's time agile developers look outside the team and make sure clients find them to be as trustworthy as they find themselves. There will always be skeptics, but building trust will eliminate many of them. |
Should You Measure Agile Adoption Effectiveness? A frequent question when organizations are moving to agile is "What metrics should we use to measure our agile adoption?" What people really should be asking is "Should we measure our agile adoption?" The trick is to figure out what an appropriate measurement is. Kent McDonald examines some methods. |
Putting into Practice an Agile Mindset Steve Vaughn profiles a company that knows how to put into practice an agile mindset. Agile is more about how a team approaches solving problems rather than whether it uses tools like daily standups, sprints, and user stories. This agile mindset has to be the heart of a company’s culture. |
Avoid Non-Agile Thinking: Hacks, Egotism, and Stagnancy Nirav Assar shares some of the ways to avoid non-agile decorum, by pointing out some of the biggest crimes against agile that he spotted while reading Andy Hunt's Practices of an Agile Developer. How many of these examples have you seen on agile teams that you've worked with? |
Four Misconceptions about Agile That Lead to Failure The barrier to organizational change is always about lack of support from upper management. Many agile transformations fall short or fail because management expectations do not align with the reality of agile. Steve Vaughn explains four misconceptions of agile that can stop a major cultural change. |
How Agile Is Changing the Way the Federal Government Does Business Steve Vaughn writes about how Dynamics Research Corporation, a technology sourcing company, is attempting to align the company's iterative development process with government’s traditional waterfall approach. With the growth of agile, government agencies are changing the way they conduct business. |
Agile Moves into Our Homes and Schools Not only has agile moved into our homes, it is now reaching into our schools. Agile methodology is in the process of changing the way corporations work, so it should come as no surprise that it is now changing the way we organize our personal lives as well. |