OpenStack Kilo—All Grown Up! OpenStack and the cloud infrastructure platform industry in general have gone through radical technology changes since OpenStack’s inception five years ago. As the world’s largest open source project, is the OpenStack community and technology finally delivering on all the hype and anticipation? |
DevOps for Microservices Microservices addresses the challenges of deploying bulky monolithic systems and their complexities due to their abundance of moving parts. While some view microservices as a much-improved service-oriented architecture, there are significant differences in strategy necessary for efficient DevOps. |
Is Environment Maintenance a Detriment to Product Delivery? In the rush to build more, faster, many companies spend more time on environment maintenance and less time on actual product learning and validation. Joel Tosi argues that instead of rushing into automation and virtualization, start by rethinking your approaches to your environments and testing. |
Successful Performance Testing Begins at Requirements Discovering performance issues in early builds allows more time to correct the design. By including critical performance-related features and elements earlier, we can take advantage of the incremental nature of the development process to avoid creating engineering in potential performance issues. |
Are Tech Companies Keeping Up with the Digitization of Data? We are living in a world where digital data is booming. Architectures and technologies also have been rapidly evolving to keep up with the exponential growth of data by creating a new big data species. This story walks through prospective technologies that have already proven their effectiveness. |
Is Git a Good Fit for the Enterprise Git has become the version control system of choice for many developers. It is relatively easy to use, has good repository integrity, and has a distributed architecture. But Git also has some limitations and can be challenging to support for large scale enterprise use. Read on for some practices. |
Application and System Orchestration with Evolving Cloud Architectures As the cloud industry matures, it is finally poised for the next generation of cloud architectures based on innovative orchestration tools and service overlays designed to provide organizations more flexibility and more choices than ever before for building cloud applications and infrastructures. |
OpenStack Architecture Design Guide—Now Available for Download Organizations wanting to deploy OpenStack-based clouds have struggled with the lack of best practices for the many different use cases. To address the well-known gap in architecture design best practices documentation, the OpenStack Architecture Design Guide is now available for download. |