
Using the Cloud to Build SaaS Applications the Right Way

Many traditional applications companies have rushed to roll out SaaS versions of their products without fully thinking through how an application architected to work in a traditional corporate IT environment might need to change to fit far different SaaS implementation requirements.

Beth Cohen's picture
Beth Cohen
Helpful Lessons to Successfully Transition to Scrum

The agile adoption trend continues to gain momentum. Additionally, among all the agile methodologies, Scrum remains the most popular way for implementing agile. Mukesh Chaudhary shares some helpful lessons to make a successful transition to Scrum and avoid a negative hybrid called ScrumBut.

Mukesh Chaudhary's picture
Mukesh Chaudhary
Ten Tips for Becoming a Better Agile Tester

Saying that you’re agile isn’t good enough for today's software testers. You have to follow through with agile actions. Here are some tips to get testers moving in the right agile direction.

Jessica Fleet's picture
Jessica Fleet
Can Amazon Be a Viable Cloud Standard?

Cloud users are asking when cloud computing standards will be mature enough so that more companies will feel comfortable implementing cloud architectures and using cloud services without feeling vendor lock-in. Beth Cohen ponders whether or not Amazon is a viable cloud standard.

Beth Cohen's picture
Beth Cohen