career development

An Agile Approach to Managing Your Software Testing Career

Testers are very much still needed. However, with so many new technologies and roles becoming available, some testers may want to explore options for their career paths. Michael Sowers offers an agile approach to determining your career direction, evaluating the alternatives, and developing a plan.

Michael Sowers's picture
Michael Sowers
Have You Ever Lied on Your Resume?

Have you ever lied on your resume? If so, you're not alone—according to one study, more than half of job applications reviewed contained lies—and these are just the ones that were found. Even CEOs have done it! However, that doesn't mean you should. Read on to find out why it's not worth the risk.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
How Much Time Do You Spend Doing Your Job versus Learning Your Job?

When was the most recent time you decided to learn something specific about your job? Many organizations do not build time in for learning in the workday. Instead of thinking you're too busy doing your job to take time to learn, ask yourself if you can incorporate learning into everything you do.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
When Is the Best Time to Start a Startup?

When it comes to startup success, is it age, experience, energy, passion, or risk-taking ability that makes the difference? Really, if you are willing to do your research and leverage the support available, now can be that "best time" to start a startup—regardless of where you are in your career.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Earning Trust: Not Always Straightforward

People say trust is something you have to earn, but several factors influence your ability to earn trust, and when it comes to your job, not all are within your control. Fortunately, there's one factor you can control: yourself. Read on to find out how you can prove yourself trustworthy at work.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Testing Knows No Disabilities: Special Individuals Find a Niche

MindSpark is an organization that provides cost-effective, high-quality testing services by training individuals with autism. The testing industry stands to gain tremendously with these new employees, and the workers also benefit because they get to increase their independence and learn new skills.

Deepika Mamnani's picture
Deepika Mamnani
Are You Aging Well as an Organization?

While it is great to see companies withstand the test of time and the dynamics of the current corporate world, it is also important to review what has changed and whether they are well-positioned to continue to thrive among the smaller but more agile establishments. Is your organization aging well?

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
What Drives Your Behavior at Work?

Do you know what drives your behavior at work? Is it the sheer fun of programming or testing? Is it about serving customers or finding solutions to problems? Think about your mission and consider your principles when you debate potential risks and outcomes. Then, you can start exercising leadership.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman