career development

Paul Grizzaffi Succeeding in the World of Test Automation: A Slack Takeover with Paul Grizzaffi

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Paul Grizzaffi, principal automation architect for Magenic, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed how to choose a tool, getting automation projects going, and future-proofing testing careers.

Cristy Bird's picture
Cristy Bird
Business people communicating using soft skills Why We Need to Stop Calling Them Soft Skills

People often focus on hard skills for career development, but soft skills are just as important—if not more. Soft skills require practice and they are crucial for professional success, so we should stop referring to interpersonal skills as soft. They’re hard, human skills, and they can set you apart in your job.

Owen Gotimer's picture
Owen Gotimer
Smiling woman attending a software conference 4 Tips for Convincing Your Boss to Send You to a Conference

You’ve found the industry conference you want to attend. You know the content at the event is going to help you grow your skills, and in your mind, the capital and time expenditure is clearly justified. So why is it not that easy to get your boss to agree? Here are four tips for convincing your boss to send you.

Stasi Richmond's picture
Stasi Richmond
Game pieces with one leader in the front Advice for New Leaders

One of the more challenging tasks for a new leader is joining a new organization. There is an interesting balance that must be struck in making it clear that there’s a new sheriff in town without being disrespectful or dismissive of your predecessor and the organization they established. Here's how to get it right.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
Evangelist holding up a light bulb What It Means to Be an Evangelist for Quality

The role of evangelist is often not very well known—or even if it is, it is not well understood in terms of its differentiation from closely associated functions, such as sales and marketing. But when understood and implemented well, it is a very powerful role. What does evangelism mean in terms of software quality?

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Two people shaking hands after earning a promotion 3 Tips for Moving Up the Testing Leadership Ladder

Moving up the career ladder often means more money, more fun, and more impact. But it's not a good idea to sit around and just hope it will happen. There's a lot you can do to speed up the process and earn a well-deserved promotion. Jason Arbon shares three tips he has for moving up the testing leadership ladder.

Jason Arbon's picture
Jason Arbon
Software team working on a failing project Achieve Success by Joining a Failing Project

We all want to be associated with success, so when there’s a failing project, most of us want nothing to do with it. However, if you’re looking for a way to give your career a boost, you may want to rethink that. If you’re not afraid of a challenge, here are some ways embracing a failing project can help your career.

Richard Estra's picture
Richard Estra
Slack logo 5 Engaging Slack Communities for Software Professionals

People all over the world can connect, ask questions, and share knowledge in real time in specialized Slack communities, including in niche channels for specific topics. Of course, there are a wealth of technology- and software-related Slack workspaces out there. Here are five communities that stand out.

Owen Gotimer's picture
Owen Gotimer