career development

Craftsman tools Craftsmanship: The Software Testers’ Goal

Some people just don’t care about creating great products or services. They believe the marketplace will settle for lower quality. Lee Copeland argues that as software testers, we need to combat that way of thinking by embracing craftsmanship. Focus on quality with knowledge, skill, diligence, judgment, and passion.

Lee Copeland's picture
Lee Copeland
People listening to a conference speaker 5 Strategies to Get Approval to Attend a Conference

Your organization isn’t in business to send you to trade shows, seminars, and fun-in-the-sun conferences. There has to be a solid business reason for you to attend, and you’ll improve the odds of getting the OK to go if you can make a comprehensive justification for going. Here are five things to focus on.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Calendar with deadline circled Gain a Competitive Advantage by Meeting Your Deadlines

When you agree to do something by a certain date, do you meet your deadline? Many people don’t, which turns into a huge competitive advantage for those who do. That's because when people know you as someone they can count on to help them meet their own deadlines, you’re the one they’ll turn to for other opportunities.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Listening Want to Be a More Effective Leader? Conduct a Listening Tour

Leaders who are moving into a new position should hold what’s called a listening tour. This lets the person doing the touring hear what’s on the minds of subordinates or team members. It helps a new leader get the lay of the land while also allowing the people they’ll be leading to express their thoughts or concerns.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Professional network Building and Maintaining a Professional Network

Your professional network can be a valuable asset when you are looking for information, recruiting, or seeking a new job. But how do you get a good network? The obvious answer is to be honest, bright, hardworking, and personable, but there are other things you can do to grow and strengthen your network, too.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
Binoculars over cityscape Keeping Your Software Testing Abilities Relevant Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond

Development and product teams have embraced agile and DevOps. What can testers do to keep up with their development peers? Here are some ideas about what testers can learn, what skills we can add, and what processes we can start doing in order to continue delivering quality today, tomorrow, and further into the future.

Sunil Sehgal's picture
Sunil Sehgal
"Find a job" keyboard button Thinking of Changing Jobs? Consider These Points First

There are certainly valid reasons to look for a new job. In fact, it may be that you can achieve some of your career goals only by switching jobs. But in considering the right and wrong reasons for changing jobs, it’s important not to see the current job as no good and some unknown future job as the “perfect solution.”

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
People shaking hands How to Earn Trust in the Workplace

If you’re starting a new position, taking over a team, transferring to a new department, or simply doing your job every day, you can accomplish more and accomplish it faster if people trust you. There are several outside factors that influence whether people find you trustworthy, but here are some you can control.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten