continuous integration

Sunset over the sea seen from the inside of a large pipe, photo by Erlend Ekseth 5 Features of a Successful DevSecOps Pipeline

When practicing DevOps, how should you include security? What's the best way to build security into an existing continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment pipeline? Let’s take a look at five essential features of successful DevSecOps pipelines and analyze where security can benefit most.

Alan Crouch's picture
Alan Crouch
Gauge showing low performance Detect Performance Issues in Production with Continuous Delivery

Maybe the most important source of feedback is what happens in production. It’s amazing the information you can get if you properly monitor and analyze the data. Continuous delivery gives more precise feedback from different sources, thanks to observing the impact of every realized change while improving traceability.

Federico Toledo's picture
Federico Toledo
facets The Changing Facets of Integration Testing

In the current dynamics of product development and confirming quality in the agile world, the definition (both narrow and broad), significance, and scope of integration testing have increased manifold. Rajini Padmanaban highlights the changing facets of integration testing that teams need to make note of.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Pipelines Embedding Performance Engineering into Continuous Integration and Delivery

In the world of continuous integration and continuous delivery, the importance of ensuring good performance has increased immensely. While functional and unit testing are relatively easier to integrate into these processes, performance engineering has typically raised more challenges. Here's how you can mitigate them.

Anjeneya Dubey's picture
Anjeneya Dubey
Person pulling back a curtain Demystifying DevOps: A Day in the Life of a DevOps Tester

The idea of working as a test specialist on a team using DevOps can be intimidating. There are at least two technology stacks, containerization and continuous integration, that you need to be familiar with. But few people need to be able to start from scratch. Here's what a normal day of testing in DevOps looks like.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman
looking through telescope Software Testing Trends for 2018

The software testing trends that are being predicted for the new year are all over the place. Rajini Padmanban looks at the predicted trends for software testing while also examining what she is already seeing as the common requests and needs in the field.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Cover of the first 2018 issue of Better Software magazine What's in the Winter 2018 Issue of Better Software Magazine

As Better Software magazine continues to publish articles that propel our industry forward with great tips and techniques, TechWell sees the future focused on continuous processes. Three of this issue's feature articles will help you improve how enterprise software is planned, developed, validated, and released.

Ken Whitaker's picture
Ken Whitaker
Agile development code Integrating Code in Agile Software Development: Start with the Goal in Mind

Agile software development works because of continuous feedback at various levels, and the most important form of feedback is working software. One way to achieve rapid feedback is to integrate and deploy code frequently. Rather than starting with the process, first decide what "frequently" should mean for your team.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk