development lifecycles

Managing the Cloud Application Lifecycle

To migrate and maintain applications in the cloud, teams must first understand how to manage cloud application lifecycle phases. The recently announced Cloud Application Management Platform's goal is to provide a simple model that allows control over the application and its deployment environment.

Chris Haddad's picture
Chris Haddad
Inspirational Deadlines—Software Development in the Newsroom

Software developers are finding inspiring and rewarding work in an unlikely environment that was once thought dead. The stressful and tumultuous surroundings of America's newsrooms offer developers the chance to tell a story through engaging and modern technology.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
DevOps and Dealing with Software Project Delays

Bob Aiello explains why technology professionals who value their careers need to understand DevOps, which embodies excellent concepts and practices that have been taking the industry by storm, especially regarding software project delays.

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello
Applying CM to Agile Teams: A Look Back

Joe Townsend examines Mario Moreira's 2008 CM Crossroads article, "Applying CM to Agile Teams,” and discovers its relevance in today's workplace. For Joe, CM is already agile; it's the developers who need to be more adaptive.

Joe Townsend's picture
Joe Townsend
Software Defects: Why They Won't Go Away

Joe Townsend tackles why software defects in IT projects appear to be increasing in recent years. As the business side increases the pressure for faster and bigger results from IT, mistakes and defects will continue to go up.

Joe Townsend's picture
Joe Townsend