environment | TechWell


Netflix headquarters What Working at Netflix Is Like

The Netflix team has to be dynamic in order to move as quickly as the demand of its audience. Because of that, the company only hires senior engineers, avoids actually sticking to process whenever possible, encourages a great deal of employee freedom, and even pushes budgets to the side.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
tester dream Virtualization—A Tester's Dream?

For testers, virtual machines can be a game changer. To what degree the game really changes depends largely on how an organization decides to work with virtual machines and how active the testers themselves are in recognizing and leveraging virtual machines’ possibilities.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda
3 Steps to Nurture IoT Development and Testing

As more devices connect to the Internet and engage in machine-to-machine communication, QA management must cultivate an understanding of the IoT and how to create software for these connected items. Sanjay Zalavadia describes three steps to nurture IoT development and testing.

Sanjay Zalavadia's picture
Sanjay Zalavadia
DevOps or NoOps: Can You Have Too Much Automation?

Some DevOps thought leaders have been promoting “NoOps,” which is the notion that IT resources can be provisioned in a fully automated way that does not require operations engineers to manage. There have been notable successes with this approach, but also some challenges. Can you have too much automation?

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello
Reliability Is Possible with Environment Management

To have completely reliable systems, we must have effective IT controls in place that help to identify risks before they turn into incidents. Change management meetings are very helpful for coordination. Effective environment management and change control can keep your systems reliable and secure.

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello
Overcoming the Challenges of Integrating Configurator Software

A configurator can automate quotation documentation, streamline workforce efficiency, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction. However, introducing a configurator requires a considerable investment of time and resources. This story examines some common problems and suggests solutions.

Ron Mouw's picture
Ron Mouw
How Netflix Handles DevOps, Automation, and Security

With code being deployed thousands of times per day, DevOps is Netflix’s best option. It’s a high-speed approach for a high-speed service in a high-speed industry, but with it comes various security risks. Jason Chan, a cloud security architect, looked to automation to solve any issues.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
How DevOps Is Now Driving Agile

Like agile, people are quickly adopting and making great use of DevOps, which stresses communication, automation, and a strong sense of cooperation within a team. Yet, while it can be argued that agile spawned DevOps, some software veterans argue that it’s DevOps that’s actually pushing agile.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin