Finding the Truth in Testing through Folk Tales and Fairy Stories When we test, we build fictions in our minds. We make thought experiments about what the product or system might do, what we could expect the results of an action to be, what they should be, and how they might go wrong. Isabel Evans shows us why you're never too old for folk tales and fairy stories. |
The Evolution of the DevOps Quality Management Office DevOps is evolving, and as teams adopt it, they will need increased continuous quality along with continuous delivery. The DevOps quality management office is a a set of processes, tools, and competencies to drive testing efficiencies in DevOps initiatives, which will accelerate quality delivery. |
Stop Making the Same Mistakes We keep changing the names of the development processes we use, but we do not fix the fundamental error they all suffer from: the failure to set a date and control the scope of the project—including proper estimation of testing efforts. Customers and IT must work together to truly be successful. |
Big Data Makes Big Impact on Retailer Location Freedom from the commitment of a lease or rental agreement gives virtual stores the advantage of flexibility with future decisions while using big data to maximize their revenue streams. Now, big data can help level the playing field when it comes to the perceived disadvantage of rental space. |
New Software Helps Scientists Identify Animal Sounds Thanks to software, scientists now have the ability to record massive amounts of audio samples from ecologically diverse areas and use technology to help in the species-identification process—a labor-intensive task, given the difficulty in deciphering the sounds in many hours of recordings. |
World’s Fastest Supercomputer Goes Obsolete after Five Years How’s this for a testament to the transience of modern technology? The world’s fastest supercomputer, fewer than five years ago, was decommissioned on March 31, 2013, and is set to be dismantled because its technology is obsolete. |