people metrics
What to Consider If You Want to Switch to an Open Work Environment An open environment is needed to succeed in an agile implementation. Many organizations favor a change in office layout to promote collaboration and team interaction. However, employees may not always be on board with the decision. Consider these points before making the switch at your workplace. |
Mind the Gender Gap: Getting Women into Computer Science Careers Today, just a quarter of all Americans in computer-related occupations are women. Why is this field with such a promising outlook attracting so few female candidates? This story takes a look at what's deterring women and why it's important for everyone that they be represented in the tech workforce. |
Calculating the Real Cost of Multitasking on Your Projects The cost of delay due to multitasking is real. It’s invisible to most people, especially management. It’s not just the cost of time lost due to context switching; it’s the fact that projects don't get out on time, which hurts your maximum sales revenue. How do you calculate these costs of delay? |
Information Technology Workers and Stereotypes Is the stereotype true that information technology (IT) professionals are nerds, geeks, and pocket-protector-wearing buffoons as sometimes portrayed in the media? Joe Townsend examines why these kinds of stereotypes exist and what is being done to address them. |
Stop Working More Than Forty Hours a Week It's no secret that many businesses are demanding or encouraging employees to work more hours. But some people see overtime as a point of pride and brag about working eighty hours a week. This "cult of overwork" is detrimental not only to employees but also for the workplace. Read on to learn why. |
Why We Should Get Rid of Bonus-Based Pay There are several problems with basing a knowledge worker's pay on a bonus. In a team-based organization, management often doesn't know who did exactly what work; people concentrate on their own objectives rather than working together; and whether some targets are hit depends on too many factors. |
Tips for Coaching Agile Teams To succeed as an agile coach, you need to understand the skills and mastery that the position requires. Here, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy shares some tips that will help you coach an agile team. Remember, it has been found that successful leaders have creative traits rather than reactive ones. |
How to Get People to Agree with You In software development and testing we often encounter situations in which someone just isn't being very agreeable. Sometimes intelligent, reasonable people just don’t get it. The good news is those people probably haven’t gone temporarily stupid, so you can stop banging your head against a wall. |