personal improvement

Tortoise walking slowly through grass, photo by Luca Ambrosi Slow Down to Speed Up

Have you ever heard someone say, “How is it we never have time to do it right but we always have time to do it over?” When we rush to complete work, that's often when errors happen. It may seem counterintuitive, but slowing down may be one of the best ways to get the job done quickly—and right the first time.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
plastic trash on beach Celebrate Earth Day 2018: How You Can Help Reduce Plastic Pollution

Since plastics can’t efficiently be recycled as yet, it’s time to focus on reducing our own level of plastic consumption, both as individuals and businesses. How can we help? The End Plastic Pollution campaign for Earth Day 2018 encourages all of us to do our part to reduce our plastic pollution footprint.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
A confident man standing with arms crossed, photo by Jonas Kakaroto 3 Keys to Gaining Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind. Much of the advice on how to gain confidence revolves around eliminating behaviors that diminish confidence. The idea is that if you effect a confident attitude, others will perceive you as such, and eventually you will be truly confident. Here are three keys to gaining more confidence.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Signs pointing toward success one way and failure the other What You Can Learn from Failure—and from Success

Success and failure teach different lessons. Lessons from failure tend to revolve around what not to do next time around, whereas lessons from success focus on what you can do again, perhaps even better. But whether you experience success or failure, the key is to take the time to learn from what happened.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Wordie Update: Merriam-Webster Adds 850 New Words

The Merriam-Webster dictionary blog noted they recently added 850 new words and definitions that come from a cross-section of our linguistic culture. It’s good to know that some of the words we’re seeing in the headlines are now being included.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Pile of books on a table, photo by Sharon McCutcheon 3 Must-Read Books for a Good Agile Foundation

If you are searching for agile knowledge, there are many books outside the current literature that may enlighten you. Some discuss the underpinnings of concepts we consider agile, while others are contemporary business books that present compelling ways to use agile effectively. Here are three Jeff Payne recommends.

Jeffery Payne's picture
Jeffery Payne
Woman looking for a book in the shelves of a library, photo by Clay Banks Make Time for Learning with Deliberate Practice

As software professionals, we need to work continuously to improve our skills. But two common challenges are how to best work to improve, and how to find the time to learn when we’re busy. The answer is deliberate practice—practice with a clear goal and defined measures for success that pushes your usual boundaries.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Note with "Now" checked instead of "Later" The Key to Avoiding Procrastination

If you have a task you've been putting off, dividing it into small chunks is a good idea. But the real key to overcoming procrastination is just getting started. Once you begin, you’ve built momentum and are likely to keep going, doing a little more until you’ve made good progress—and maybe even completed the job.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten