personal improvement

Annoying coworker talking loudly on the phone How to Deal with Coworkers' Irritating Behaviors like an Adult

Annoying behaviors are amplified in an office due to close quarters and personal preferences. No one likes to have an awkward conversation—especially when it’s with someone you have to face every day—but if a coworker's behavior is driving you up the wall, be a grown-up and let them know. Here's what to say.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
girls in STEM Yes, She Can STEM—and More

Many girls begin losing interest in STEM subjects as early as middle school, and this path continues. #SheCanSTEM is a new public service media campaign that hopes to encourage middle school girls to ultimately pursue STEM careers by challenging stereotypes and showcasing female STEM role models. 

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Sign indicating twisting roads ahead 16 Questions to Assess Your Response to Major Change

If your responsibilities include guiding others through major change, you might find it instructive to assess your own behaviors and response to change. The sixteen questions here can help you do just that. You can also use these questions to facilitate a discussion with your team about a current or upcoming change.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
colorful lightbulb Stay in School: Lifelong Creative Learning

In our always-connected world, continuous learning is a given. Ongoing professional development is imperative in technology careers, yet learning something new in other fields is also good for your career, your health, and your life. So whether it’s for professional or personal reasons, stay in school.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Angry cat snarling and showing its teeth, photo by Erik-Jan Leusink Manage Your Workplace Anger So It Doesn’t Manage You

At work, there’s so often someone or something that pushes your buttons. If you experience anger often and lash out, it could be doing you harm—both physically and to your career. It could be worthwhile to keep a record of what triggers your anger over the course of a day and how you react so you can gain some insight.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
A computer with a draft of a resume on the screen, photo by Bram Naus 4 Tips for Writing an Awesome Developer Resume

When you’re hunting for jobs, one of the most time-consuming things you have to do is create a resume. As a developer, you often fall into one of two categories: You either have too much experience to put on one page, or you have too little. But just as with coding, writing an effective resume is a matter of skill.

Grace Carter's picture
Grace Carter
A woman smiling while giving a great presentation 5 Tips for Giving a Polished Presentation

Most software audiences appreciate solid content over performance pizzazz, but you don't want your demonstration to be a dud. You can learn a lot about how not to give a presentation from others' mistakes! If you'll be speaking at a conference or meeting soon, here are five tips for giving a polished presentation.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Street art of a worried woman with shattered face, photo by Chris Barbalis 4 Tips for Conquering Your Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is the belief that you're inadequate and incompetent, despite evidence otherwise. It’s more than just insecurity; it’s persistent self-doubt about your accomplishments, and the feeling that any success must have been undeserved. Don’t sell yourself short. Here are four ways to beat impostor syndrome.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik