process improvement

Reliability Is Possible with Environment Management

To have completely reliable systems, we must have effective IT controls in place that help to identify risks before they turn into incidents. Change management meetings are very helpful for coordination. Effective environment management and change control can keep your systems reliable and secure.

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello
The Lean Startup Methodology and Its Value for Testers

Testers are rarely part of an entrepreneurial startup team, but are there lessons for them in the lean startup approach? Lee Copeland says yes. The basic idea behind lean startup is that companies should focus their time and resources more efficiently, and this concept surely can benefit testers.

Lee Copeland's picture
Lee Copeland
What's Your Story? How Testers Add Value

Testers have a story. It involves the kind of information we gather, the way we gather it, whom we tell, and what decisions are impacted by it. Management has their own story, but sometimes the goals are different. Find out the story your executives have for testing, and see what value it brings.

Matthew Heusser's picture
Matthew Heusser
Optimizing Testing: Moving Faster without Compromising Quality

At some point as a tester, you’ve probably been urged by management to reduce the amount of time required for testing without compromising product quality. How can you possibly do that? Weighing the added value and relative importance of each testing task can help you optimize your testing strategy.

Tariq King's picture
Tariq King
Ignore the Data at Your Own Risk

At work, the evidence of something worth paying attention to is often front and center, and yet we dismiss it. If you ignore the data—negative survey results, team member absences, an increase in bugs, stakeholders who repeatedly miss meetings, etc.—you could be overlooking signs of trouble.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
DevOps Can Be Secure and Agile at the Same Time

When it comes to DevOps, the goal is to move applications from development, to test, and then eventually to deployment as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, you can still be agile while having a safe, properly security-tested DevOps environment.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Test Automation Gets No Respect

The conventional approach to software automation for quality creates a losing situation for the people doing the work. When tests are reliable or take more time than first estimated, management and the rest of the team lose confidence. How can you produce consistently quick, quality information?

Matt Griscom's picture
Matt Griscom
4 Frequent Feedback-Gathering Flaws

If organizations really want customer feedback, why do they make it so difficult for customers to provide that feedback? Naomi Karten gives four examples from her own experience that suggest some things to keep in mind when gathering feedback from your customers.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten