process improvement
Why We Should Get Rid of Bonus-Based Pay There are several problems with basing a knowledge worker's pay on a bonus. In a team-based organization, management often doesn't know who did exactly what work; people concentrate on their own objectives rather than working together; and whether some targets are hit depends on too many factors. |
The Benefits of Making Deliberate Mistakes Sometimes a mistake is exactly what’s needed to make progress. You require not just a mistake—but a deliberate mistake. Even if you don’t get what you really wanted or hoped for, you’ll probably learn something useful that will help you along your path. Read on to learn how to make good mistakes! |
Three Smart New Year’s Resolutions for a Testing Organization When making New Year's resolutions for his testing organization, the author stumbled on three interesting posts that provided additional insight into the overall thought process on where the software testing discipline is heading. These resolutions may help align your work with industry demands. |
Cancel or Save a Troubled Project: How to Decide If your project is going nowhere—or if it’s going somewhere, but it's rapidly downhill—sometimes there’s no choice but to scrap it. Of course, that’s easier said than done because the issue of sunk costs often kicks in. How do you assess whether the benefits will still outweigh the investment? |
Use Timeboxing to Boost Your Efficiency In timeboxing, you predetermine the maximum time allowed to get tasks done. You determine the launch deadline when you start the sprint or iteration, and everyone works toward that date. It can keep your project focused and on track. Is this method for you? Read on for advantages and disadvantages. |
Maximize Your Efforts When Working Remotely Almost one fifth of the US workforce telecommutes at least one day a week. Remote workers can see increased productivity and improved satisfaction with their work-life balance, but there is still room to maximize the positive results that working remotely can offer. Read on to find out how. |
Five Work Resolutions for 2014 With the new year underway, many have set their resolutions. But, a New Year's resolution doesn't have to be just for your personal life. Read more to see five things to work on for your business life in 2014. |
Building an Effective Mentoring Program When an effective mentoring program is implemented, the derived value is very high. Mentoring programs go a long way in building not just technical knowhow, but also great relationships and trust in the organization, creating a very positive workplace. Here are some tips on building a good program. |