process improvement

Three Things to Consider When Planning a Meeting

Meetings can be either a welcomed lifeline for those working on a project or a pitfall of desolation for project productivity. Consider these three things to ensure your meetings will contribute to your company's project success.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
The Cloud Is Taking Predictive Analytics to New Heights

With the growth of cloud computing, smaller companies are taking advantage of the increased flexibility, decreased storage restraints, and expanded network of information available on the cloud. Read more to find out how the cloud could give your company an advantage in fulfilling customers' needs.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
Know Your Program: Which Team Are You Managing?

Some program managers whose organizations are transitioning to agile are not always clear which program team they are managing. That can be because the organization doesn’t always realize it needs more than one program team. Here, Johanna Rothman describes some program teams and when to use them.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
Multitasking—We're Not Actually Good at It

People believe they’re good at multitasking. But research suggests that multitasking is a myth; though we may wish to believe otherwise, we’re not very good at doing many things at one time. What we experience is the illusion of competence. Why is this practice still so common in the workplace?

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
The Cost of Continuous Integration Is Well Worth the Time

If you don’t start putting software together a little bit at a time, it gets harder the farther along you go. The cost of continuous integration sometimes can seem high, but it is often well worth the time, even on a large program. Here are some steps to help you move to more continuous integration.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
New Software Will Save UPS Millions and Deliver Your Packages Quicker

UPS has invested heavily in a new software project called ORION—On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation—that helps determine the best course from point A to point B, saving time, money, and fuel. It's already a success, and because it depends on heuristics, suggestions should only get better.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
The Truth behind Software Development Estimates

The problem with estimation is that software is not construction. We can’t create software the same way we build a house or manufacture anything else. We can't say, “We can build this software for x dollars per square foot.” But other people often think of our estimates that way. What can you do?

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
How to Hold a Productive Project Status Meeting

Status meetings let team members report what they’re doing and whether they’re hitting targets, and they help the project manager identify weaknesses early and make adjustments. Unfortunately, all too often these meetings are boring. They don't have to be! Read on for tips on making them productive.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten