process improvement

Warning Signs of a Project Headed for Trouble

When running a project, there will be many chances for things to go wrong. Usually, there are warning signs a project is going off the rails. You should be on the lookout for any of the signs listed in this story so you can take steps sooner rather than later to reorient your project toward success.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
How to Be Productive by Not Being Unproductive

The biggest factor keeping us from being productive may be all the things we do that make us unproductive. Striving for perfection, refusing to admit to being stuck, and jumping from one project to another are just some of the things that hold us back. Naomi Karten tells you how to get it in gear.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Rethinking Typical Project Management Approaches

"Don't work on projects, work on products!" is a cry often heard in the agile community. But if you have a team pulled together to support an ongoing product, it doesn't make sense to use typical project management techniques. Maybe projects aren't the problem—their organizational structures are.

Kent J. McDonald's picture
Kent J. McDonald
How to Be an Effective Team Player at Work

If you really want to be an effective team player, you have to be willing to consider ideas from others without debating, arguing, or nitpicking every point. This means you need the discipline to listen first and speak second. Read on for more useful ideas on how to contribute to your team at work.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Managing the Stream of Features in an Agile Program

If you keep a stream of features moving in a program—even with many feature teams—you are OK as long as the project teams keep talking to one another. You are not OK, however, if someone decides, “I own this code and no one else can touch it.” Johanna Rothman says how agile programs should operate.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
How the EdTech Movement Is Changing the Future of Education

From elementary school to beyond the bachelor’s degree, the education system is embracing modern technology for its convenience, its updating ease, and its ability to customize content depending on a student’s needs. The movement is known as EdTech, and it’s changing the way people teach—and learn.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
The Benefits and Challenges of Agile Development Rituals

Agile practices come with rituals and habits that facilitate collaboration and free the team to focus on creative work. However, it can be hard for an agile team to keep up with the rituals. Steve Berczuk writes on the benefits and challenges of following rituals.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Things to Do Every Day at Work

Not that you don’t already have plenty to do every day, but adding a few extra things to your to-do list at work might actually make your day go more smoothly, feel more enjoyable, or be more productive. Here are some actions, practices, and habits that are worth adding to your workday.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten