process improvement

Internal Social Media and the Business Analyst

Adrian Reed looks at the use of internal/corporate social media and networks by business analysts for overall process improvement. Key benefits include locating stakeholders, engaging stakeholders, understanding process faults, and finding incremental ways to improve processes.

Adrian Reed's picture
Adrian Reed
How Lean Is Your Development Platform?

Businesses are now realizing the value of a lean approach to development, thereby working to eliminate any and all wasteful activity. Software development teams must ensure that their development platform abides by lean guiding principles, which enable their development process.

Jacob  Orshalick 's picture
Jacob Orshalick
Making Process Changes in Days or Weeks, Not Months or Years

Business process improvement and the resulting change management are not for the faint of heart. Laura Brandenburg makes the case that BAs not only need to support organizations in changing more complex, decision-rich processes, but also in doing so faster—in days or weeks, not month or years.

Laura Brandenburg's picture
Laura Brandenburg
Agility Trumps Chaos at Amazon during the Holidays

How does Amazon get through the chaos of the holiday season year after year? By incorporating the Agile Manifesto in nearly everything they do. With eighty fulfillment centers worldwide, learn how the shipping giant is constantly improving processes to leave their customers thrilled.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Learning While Sleeping

Napping on the job can recharge a tired mind, boost energy, and increase productivity. Now emerging research shows that people might potentially have the ability to learn new things while sleeping. Naomi Karten writes on the brain's ability to learn while resting.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
How Kanban Can Help You Be More Productive

Although multi-tabbed browsers allow users to open multiple websites in one window, people might see their productivity fall by the wayside with information overload. Venkatesh Krishnamurthy explains how kanban can help you deal with the dilemma (and anxiety) of having too many browser tabs open.

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy's picture
Venkatesh Krish...
Technology’s Major Role in the 2012 Presidential Election

It was big news when Barack Obama had a mobile app leading up to the 2008 election. This time around, technology has played an even bigger role in the election. Where will it go next?

Katherine Slattery's picture
Katherine Slattery
Helpful Tips for Choosing the Right CM Tool

A recently resurrected LinkedIn discussion on migrating from ClearCase to an open source tool got some CM professionals to agree about the tool selection process. Joe Farah explains some tips to help you choose the right tool.

Joe Farah's picture
Joe Farah