quality assurance

Agile or Not, You Need a Proper Customer and User Experience Process

In order to satisfy the people you hope will purchase or download your software, a proper customer and user experience process has to be built into the software development lifecycle. Whether you follow an agile, waterfall, or completely different methodology, this is a step that can’t be skipped.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Finding the Truth in Testing through Folk Tales and Fairy Stories

When we test, we build fictions in our minds. We make thought experiments about what the product or system might do, what we could expect the results of an action to be, what they should be, and how they might go wrong. Isabel Evans shows us why you're never too old for folk tales and fairy stories.

Isabel Evans's picture
Isabel Evans
Fine-Tuning and Expanding Your Mobile Test Plan

When new technology is introduced, QA teams usually have a period of scrambling to figure out how to support engineering efforts. Melissa Tondi identifies some key mobile challenges and talks about creating solutions to address them. The result: an efficient mobile test plan and minimal impact to the QA team.

Melissa Tondi's picture
Melissa Tondi
Why User Interface Test Automation Is Worth Doing Well

It can be hard to produce reliable, stable UI tests. But these tests come the closest to simulating the actions of a real user, and they help ensure that your product works as a cohesive system. Consequently, UI test automation is worth doing, and worth doing well—with the same standards as any other tests.

Jason Hagglund's picture
Jason Hagglund
Where Do Software Bugs Come From?

There's much more to bugs than either a programmer screwed up or there are missing or misunderstood requirements. Many more possibilities could be responsible. A good tester warns that these areas are unknown; a great tester might even test for them. Look over your bug trackers and see what you can learn.

Matt Heusser's picture
Matt Heusser
Use Process Improvement Methods to Elevate Your Test/QA Workflow

Quality assurance testers may feel overwhelmed by all they have to do and the short time they have to do it. Implementing proven process improvement techniques can help streamline or replace existing models, making testers’ workloads manageable and letting them accomplish more—without sacrificing quality.

Claire Lohr's picture
Claire Lohr
What's in the Winter 2016 Issue of Better Software Magazine?

This issue of Better Software is loaded with feature articles about writing a superior web API, taking the plunge into test automation, the three pillars of agile quality, innovative gamification, and assessing and improving your DevOps procedures. Read on to learn more about this year's first issue.

Ken Whitaker's picture
Ken Whitaker
Moving into a World of Conscious Quality

Conscious quality is a quality effort that is independent, end-to-end, and stretches beyond the bounds of the core test team. If conscious quality is not adopted, we run the risk of losing the sanctity of our independence, impacting the quality of the product as well as our careers are testers.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma