release management

How to Do Agile Release Planning

In agile, there are different types of planning at various intervals and levels of detail. One of those levels is release planning, which is the intermediary type of planning between deciding what is included in a product and what the delivery team will focus on for the next iteration.

Kent J. McDonald's picture
Kent J. McDonald
Testing Tips for Launching a Successful Windows 8 App

There’s a new platform in consumers’ hands. Are you sure your applications and websites are ready?

Mike Brown's picture
Mike Brown
Single Checkouts or Multiple Checkouts: Which Is Better?

A recent thread on LinkedIn asks "Which is better: single checkouts or multiple checkouts?" On projects, both large and small, using exclusive checkouts is actually preferred.

Joe Farah's picture
Joe Farah
What Knight Capital Group Needs to Know about DevOps

On August 1, 2012, Knight Capital Group suffered a disastrous electronic trading glitch, caused by a bug that was introduced during a software upgrade the night before the incident.

Bob Aiello's picture
Bob Aiello