
First Things First: Get the Business Analysis Basics in Place

While we can debate about best and better practices for eliciting, analyzing, and documenting requirements, many organizations have yet to adopt a requirements practice at all. When they do so, they will have the opportunity to realize significant benefits.

Laura Brandenburg's picture
Laura Brandenburg
Reviewing Specifications: Focus on What's Not Said

Reviewing a specification or a user story as it's being created is probably the most crucial way testers can contribute early in the software development process. Rick Scott explains three steps for reviewing requirements specifications that focus on what is not said and what should be answered.

Rick Scott's picture
Rick Scott
Alternative to Google Tries to Establish Credibility and Value

As Europe demands changes to Google's privacy practices, a new search engine competitor enters the race with one major difference between itself and the search giant. But can it prove its actual worth and overall necessity to users?

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst