risk management

Reviewing the Keynote Presentations at STAREAST

The STAREAST testing conference in May featured more than a hundred learning opportunities. Here, we examine the four keynote presentations: Deliberate Testing in an Agile World, The Future of the Software Testing Profession, Blunders in Test Automation, and Innovation: From the Tester’s Viewpoint.

Sandy Sidhu's picture
Sandy Sidhu
Signs Your Company May Be Growing Too Fast

You may think, “What is wrong with significant growth?” But if that growth becomes untenable, there are a host of problems: customer complaints may rise, employee dissatisfaction grows, and you can lose track of your original vision. Read on for some warning signs your business is growing too fast.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Five Principles from Chess That Can Change Your Software Game

When you start analyzing the two strategic activities of playing chess and developing software, you will notice they share many core principles. Defining a goal, recognizing patterns, and learning from mistakes are just some of the important concepts to keep in mind with both chess and software.

Charlie Hill's picture
Charlie Hill
You Won't Get Hacked with Help of New USB Device

Companies just keep getting hacked. Millions of users' data have been comprised in the last few years, so up-and-coming developer Webcloak is introducing a product that will let anyone browse the Internet “with no risk of viruses, data, or identity theft.”

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Doing Our Part to Contain Point-of-Sale Data Theft

It’s easy for us as software developers and testers to dismiss intrusions on point-of-sale systems as the fault of network security professionals or inadequate network defenses. The reality is that there is a lot we should be doing as well on the software side to prevent these kinds of attacks.

Jennifer Bonine's picture
Jennifer Bonine
Online Identify Theft Is Only Getting Easier

An expanding reliance on digital services requiring the input of personal information has increased the risk of data theft, and it only takes a few common pieces of information for the best thieves to steal your identity. More than ever, we need strong security systems to be developed.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Writing Actionable Risk Statements

Project management is about accomplishing project objectives. These objectives can't be met without sufficient consideration of risk. Payson Hall describes a favorite technique for risk management that your team will actually find useful.

Payson Hall's picture
Payson Hall
Managing Risk in an Agile Project

Scrum does not have any specific risk management practices as compared to the PMBOK. However, everything you do in Scrum—as well as any other agile method—will help you identify risk at an early stage. Venkatesh Krishnamurthy explains how to manage risks in agile projects.

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy's picture
Venkatesh Krish...