
Silhouette of person unlocking a door with keys Shifting Security Left in Your Continuous Testing Pipeline

Security is often the black sheep of testing—an afterthought that gets only a scan before release. We have to make security a first-class testing citizen with full-lifecycle support. For the best impact, introduce security testing into the early phases of the continuous testing pipeline. Here are some tools to help.

Glenn Buckholz's picture
Glenn Buckholz
Hacker typing on a backlit computer keyboard Cybersecurity Consciousness during COVID-19

As we all deal with COVID-19 across the globe—medically, economically, and professionally—there are plenty of lessons to discover. There is also a lot to learn when it comes to cybersecurity. More people moving toward working from home means more opportunities for hackers to strike, so we must be smart and vigilant.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
DJ Schleen Best Practices of the DevSecOps Elite: A Slack Takeover with DJ Schleen

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. DJ Schleen, a DevSecOps advocate, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed all things DevSecOps, including challenges to integrating security into your practices and getting management support.

Kelly McGee's picture
Kelly McGee
Encrypted code on a computer screen Cybersecurity Tips for Project Managers

A project manager must be aware of the dangers the software faces if they are to be effective in its defense while managing their project. A lot of the data they're dealing with can be extremely sensitive. Let’s look at some tips that every project manager should pay attention to in order to protect their project.

Douglas Parker's picture
Douglas Parker
Chainlink fence Continuous Risk Management in Cybersecurity

Traditional cybersecurity is reactive. It responds to threats as they surface while trying to minimize the chance they will ever be an issue. Yet in an environment of constant change and evolution, this is insufficient. What your business needs to do is approach cybersecurity from the perspective of continuous risk.

Max Emelianov's picture
Max Emelianov
Cursor about to click the word "Security" Shifting Security Left: The Innovation of DevSecOps

The more established a product is when it is first audited for security, the harder it will be to find the time to fix problems and to refactor the software. DevSecOps was created to get application security practices into the development process as early as possible, so we can use them from the beginning of a project.

Tom Stiehm's picture
Tom Stiehm
Person holding a credit card and accessing a secure blockchain How Blockchain Technology Will Disrupt Business

The security factor has made blockchain popular in finance applications—indeed, it's probably known best as the record-keeping technology behind bitcoin. But there’s more to its prospects than finance. Blockchain stands to be a disruptor in the business world because it has potential applications in so many fields.

Slava Vaniukov's picture
Slava Vaniukov
Person holding a sparkler with New Year's fireworks in the background Top 10 TechWell Insights Stories of 2019

Career development was on many software practitioners' minds in 2019, as some of our top stories were about having a technical lead on a Scrum team and making the switch from quality assurance to quality engineering. Stories about new ideas such as DevOps and continuous testing also ranked high. Check out the roundup.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik