test automation

Code on a computer screen Pros and Cons of Codeless Test Automation

To create automated tests for software applications, testers have historically needed to be able to code in programming languages. Codeless testing eliminates the need for scripting from scratch every time, but in addition to its advantages, there are also some drawbacks. Is codeless automation right for your team?

Kuldeep Rana's picture
Kuldeep Rana
Person creating tests with code 2 Ways to Get Better at Test Automation

Many people in testing roles want to grow their skills and learn to build some tests with code. But no matter how well you test, automation is programming work. If you want to get better at automation, your best bet is to get into a role where you are dealing with code. Here are two ways you can break in and learn.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman
Tariq King Shaking Up Software Testing with AI: A Slack Takeover with Tariq King

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Tariq King, founder and CEO of Selftest IO, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed all things AI, including using it with legacy systems, how it affects test strategy, and boosting your tests.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Architect designing plans on a laptop Architecting Your Test Automation Platform

With all the pressure to “just automate,” we may not invest enough in architecting our test automation. You wouldn't remodel a house without doing some planning and design; our test automation journey should be treated no differently. A comprehensive architecture plan is crucial for increasing test automation coverage.

Michael Sowers's picture
Michael Sowers
Person holding a sparkler with New Year's fireworks in the background Top 10 TechWell Insights Stories of 2019

Career development was on many software practitioners' minds in 2019, as some of our top stories were about having a technical lead on a Scrum team and making the switch from quality assurance to quality engineering. Stories about new ideas such as DevOps and continuous testing also ranked high. Check out the roundup.

Beth Romanik's picture
Beth Romanik
Software tester asking a question Great Testing Comes from Great Questions

Testing is all about gathering information, and the most direct way to gather information is by asking questions. The more questions we ask (tests we perform), the more answers we receive (information we gain). But some questions are harder than others and require more human involvement. Let automation handle the easy!

Ingo Philipp's picture
Ingo Philipp
Michael Bolton, Isabel Evans, and Chris Loder, with moderator Melissa Benua Automation Face-Off: A Conversation with Michael Bolton, Isabel Evans, and Chris Loder

Automation is a pressing topic. In a recent STARCANADA keynote session, industry experts Michael Bolton, Isabel Evans, and Chris Loder took to the conference stage to discuss some of the burning questions about automation from test professionals in the audience. Here’s a sample of their conversations.

Cristy Bird's picture
Cristy Bird
Testing team interlocking their hands in support Getting Support for the Tests You Need Done

It’s often hard for teams to get sufficient time and resources for the amount and quality of tests they think are needed. It’s like management wants testing done but at the same time doesn’t want to commit what’s needed to do it. If that's your case, look at the business side, rank priorities, and negotiate resources.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda