test-driven development

Lisa Crispin Testing in DevOps: A Slack Takeover with Lisa Crispin

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Lisa Crispin, who's created many educational materials for software professionals, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed DevOps, test automation skills for manual testers, and starting TDD.

Kelly McGee's picture
Kelly McGee
Jeff Langr Cultivating Quality Code: A Slack Takeover with Jeff Langr

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Jeff Langr, author of a number of books about software, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed the pros of unit testing versus end-to-end testing, code reviews, and test-driven development.

Cristy Bird's picture
Cristy Bird
Broken ceramic plate Overcoming Test-Driven Damage

Some say test-driven development may work well initially, but as soon as we start to refactor our code, it breaks old tests and requires us to write new ones. This is not the fault of TDD; it’s the way we’re using it. TDD remains a valuable way to verify code as we write it, so we need to repair our test-driven damage.

David Bernstein's picture
David Bernstein
Red-green-refactor cycle Keep Your Code Base Clean with Regular Refactoring

The Boy Scouts have a rule: “Leave the campground cleaner than you found it.” You should apply the same principle to your code. Regular refactoring prevents code rot by keeping the code base clean and easy to maintain. Refactoring activities can be added to the product backlog as user stories to make it a discipline.

Dheerendra Mutharaju's picture
Dheerendra Mutharaju
Close-up photo of someone's blue eye, by Amanda Dalbjörn The Test Automation Mindset

Building a test automation strategy involves all members of the technical team, layering tests throughout the technology stack, and using this approach to design better software and catch simple problems earlier in the development cycle. But working like that requires a shift in mindset across the organization.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman
robotic vacuum 3 Reasons Testers Shouldn’t Be Afraid of AI

How do testers contribute in agile? DevOps? Should testing tools and automation replace most things that manual testers do? At this point, testers are almost required to hold their breath whenever people start talking about new trends, and artificial intelligence is no different.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Tester paired with a developer, photo by Alvaro Reyes Elevate Code Quality by Integrating Testing and Development

Pair programming generally involves two programmers working on a single change from start to finish. You can augment this pattern by adding a test specialist, so you can test-drive feature changes first and the tester can ask questions and guide test and code design. What you get is quality built in from the start.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman
Tricycle Testing in a Pair Programming Environment

If a development team does pair programming, where does testing fit in? You don't have to wait until the programming is done—testers can be part of the whole process, from code design to reviewing changes to production. Pair programming plus a good automation strategy mean quality is built in throughout development.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman