test execution
Performance Testing: A Team Sport Putting together a good performance test team is essential to success. Many of the issues related to performance can be identified early through static methods, or performance engineering. If the key technical players are continuously involved in the testing process, conflicts can be avoided later. |
Analyzing the Value of a Test Tool Approach Many test managers want to assess the value of their test tool approach. There is a way to do it that does not require writing code—only the ability to read it a little. Matt Heusser helps you figure out if what your team is doing is working, what you could drop, and what might be worth picking up. |
Making a List, Checking It Twice: A Testing Strategy for the Holidays The holiday season means consumers will be doing a lot of shopping online. This poses immense challenges for the testers who have to ensure that all business channels, including mobile, offer a smooth, high-performance experience. This story gives some core components of a holiday testing strategy. |
November Leaves, New StickyMinds Articles Matt Heusser, the editor of StickyMinds.com, talks about some recent contributions to the site—including articles about methods for changing a workplace culture, how to develop a team of testers, and the future of testing—and about how you can get involved writing for StickyMinds, too. |
Paco Hope Presents Security Testing for Muggles at STARWEST 2014 Paco Hope, principal consultant for Cigital, presented the last keynote of STARWEST 2014: “Softwarts: Security Testing for Muggles.” He exposed some testing fallacies, gave four principles for security testing, and detailed some charms every good testing wizard should have in his spell book. |
Testing Smart Meters for Dummies A smart meter records consumption of electric energy and communicates that information daily to the utility company for monitoring and billing. Given the architecture, about half of the device maintenance effort is testing. Though the process is unique, the same basic testing imperatives apply. |
Automation and Ethics: The Human Side of Technology Automation technology is becoming more prevalent, and while it brings convenience, it also introduces some moral quandaries. Someone has to decide what the devices will do when things go wrong. What are the ethical responsibilities of software developers and testers working on these projects? |
Automation: Testing or Checking? Interactive exploratory testing and organized automated testing seem to be on opposing ends of a spectrum, but much of that depends on how you apply them. Automated tests don't have to be shallow and boring. You can still explore, learn, and create good tests. Read on for more from Hans Buwalda. |