test execution

What Value Do Testers Provide to Software?

As we continue to become more technologically evolved, one of the most important things testers can do is take a step back, breathe, and discover the value of testing—as well as better ways to test beyond using what’s worked for other platforms in the past.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Testing in the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things has made practically our whole world connected. With such a huge amount of data being exchanged, there is a great need for testers who understand how to test in the IoT. Sunil Sehgal explains how testing these devices is a little different from testing other machines or programs.

Sunil Sehgal's picture
Sunil Sehgal
Mobile Testing: Simulators, Physical Devices, or Both?

Simulation has many advantages over physical device testing: It costs less, is more stable, and is easier to scale. So do we really need physical device testing for mobile products? The answer is yes and no. It depends on what aspect of quality you want to validate and where you are in the product lifecycle.

Danni Wu's picture
Danni Wu
Tools Need Testers: Why Automation Isn't Automatic

Test automation isn’t quite as automatic as its name suggests. There’s a misconception out there that you can buy a bunch of test automation tools, set them up properly, and walk away without a second thought or worry. However, it’s important to understand that automation is a skill in itself.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Why Your Test Efforts Should Tackle Data First

Automation projects often start by tackling the technical issues, but Linda Hayes says a specific data environment should be established first. If you can’t control, define, and predict your data, you won’t have the repeatability that makes test automation practical—but it makes sense for manual testing, too.

Linda Hayes's picture
Linda Hayes
The Internet of Things Moves Software Testing into the Physical World

The explosion of the Internet of Things means the physical world of things we use and the logical world of software testing are blending. Software testers need to become familiar with hardware, and manufacturing companies have to consider software, maybe for the first time. Everyone has new skills to learn.

Jon Hagar's picture
Jon Hagar
Creating a Test Strategy and Design for Testing Data

These days, data comes from multiple sources, is transformed in many different ways, and is consumed by hundreds of other systems, so we must validate more data, more quickly. Mike Sowers shares his work in progress checklist for things to consider when developing a test strategy and design approach for data.

Michael Sowers's picture
Michael Sowers
Automate for Efficiency: How Test Automation Does More than Spot Bugs

Some form of automation should be used to streamline testing, but leveraging automation as a crutch won’t help you or your team spot every bug and produce high-quality software. In automation, the tools don’t do all the testing—they simply do what they are told to do by the actual tester.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin