test management

Test Manager Testers Are Facing Unrealistic Expectations about Test Automation

The last thing managers want to hear is that the money they’re investing in automation tools isn’t going to make everything instantly easier. But it takes time, patience, and a general understanding of the different processes involved to make test automation work for everyone involved.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
robots working at computers At What Point Will Automation Take Over Manual Testing?

Better automation tools, the evolution of AI, AVM, visual testing—what’s going to make automation continue to spread through teams is the improvement of all the different solutions out there. And what should be encouraging to testers is the fact that just about every option requires smart, educated testers.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
yoga pose The Unique Relationship Between Yoga and Testing

When you’re testing software, yoga is probably the last thing on your mind. You don’t need to be a yoga master to test better, but if you add a few poses to your routine and understand how your mindset needs to adapt to different situations, you’ll set yourself up for smarter, more complete testing.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Tricycle Testing in a Pair Programming Environment

If a development team does pair programming, where does testing fit in? You don't have to wait until the programming is done—testers can be part of the whole process, from code design to reviewing changes to production. Pair programming plus a good automation strategy mean quality is built in throughout development.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman
Arrow expanding testing Continuous Exploratory Testing: Expanding Critical Testing across the Delivery Cycle

Continuous testing entails executing automated tests to obtain rapid feedback on business risks. Where does that leave exploratory testing? Obviously, it doesn’t make sense to repeat the same exploratory tests across and beyond a sprint, but exploratory testing can be a continuous part of each software delivery cycle.

Ingo Philipp's picture
Ingo Philipp
chess pieces Why Smart Testing Requires Strategy and Flexibility

You can’t expect to achieve successful testing without the proper strategy, but you also can’t create a strategy that doesn’t allow you to adapt along the way. Think about why you’re testing, and be confident enough to change course if you feel it can benefit your team and project.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
On-off switch Using Feature Flags to Boost Testing and Deployment

A feature flag is a configuration setting that lets you turn a given feature on or off. There is no need for a feature to be complete before you can start testing—as soon as the first piece of code is merged, you can turn the flag on in your test environment and begin. This also reduces risk. Do you use feature flags?

James Espie's picture
James Espie
Test automation—gears What We Talk about When We Talk about Test Automation

Testers talking about test automation often mean browser automation. Developers are probably talking about unit testing or something at the service layer. And operations people are most likely thinking of monitoring and the guts that control continuous integration. But the practices are more important than terminology.

Justin Rohrman's picture
Justin Rohrman