test techniques

How to Stay Challenged in Your Testing Career

On one hand, testers have to keep their heads down while working to meet tight schedules. But on the other, technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and testers have to ensure they are not lagging in their skills. Testers need to constantly strike a balance between these demands to stay challenged.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Are Your Testing Practices In Line with Today’s Needs?

Practices in any discipline need continuous review to ensure they are still effective and in line with current requirements. Software testing practices are no exception—the development landscape is highly dynamic, requiring periodic updating of practices. How and when should you review? Read on.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
7 Biases That Impact Testing

We tend to judge based on biases that are a result of our environment, background, culture, and experiences. This is even true for our roles as testers. Here are seven biases that could alter the impartiality in your testing and QA practices. See if you have any inclinations you should correct.

Deepika Mamnani's picture
Deepika Mamnani
Five Techniques for Creating Testable Requirements

Documenting user requirements is always a challenging phase in software development, as there are no standard processes or notations. However, communication and facilitation skills can make this activity easier. Here are five techniques for converting user stories into testable requirements.

Anish Krishnan's picture
Anish Krishnan
The Advantages of Utilizing Formal Test Design Techniques

When it comes to test design, some people believe in the use of formal test design techniques, while others believe that those same techniques cause rigid thinking and limit creativity. Dale Perry says why formal techniques have value as a basis for formal analysis as well as for creative thinking.

Dale Perry's picture
Dale Perry
Experiences in Testing a Live Project for Accessibility

The scope of an accessibility testing effort is very broad—it is often complete only when actual users provide their perspective. Here, a visually impaired user summarizes the accessibility issues he faced in testing an application so that other testers can use this information in their efforts.

Subhash Chhetri's picture
Subhash Chhetri
Reviewing the Keynote Presentations at STAREAST

The STAREAST testing conference in May featured more than a hundred learning opportunities. Here, we examine the four keynote presentations: Deliberate Testing in an Agile World, The Future of the Software Testing Profession, Blunders in Test Automation, and Innovation: From the Tester’s Viewpoint.

Sandy Sidhu's picture
Sandy Sidhu
Performing Accessibility Testing on a Live Site: A Case Study

Because accessibility is just starting to really gain awareness in the product development world, organizations are often not fully informed on what it takes to build accessible software—they just want to get there. Here’s a case study from a project that involved making a live product accessible.

Raman Mehta's picture
Raman Mehta