test techniques

Skills and Attributes Agile Testers Need to Thrive

Communication is more important than ever, with developers and testers working together more closely. You can no longer think of the “development” and “testing” stages as diametrically opposed sides of the process—in order to succeed, developers and testers need to communicate and work as a unit.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
woman painting a wall DevOps and Test Automation: You Missed a Spot

The key success factor for DevOps is the commitment from teams, managers, and other stakeholders. There should be agreement that tests and their automation can be important re-usable products, which need attention and cooperation to be able to support approaches like DevOps effectively.

Hans Buwalda's picture
Hans Buwalda
magnifying glass on bug There’s Never Been a Greater Need for Testing

You really can’t find the same types of roles that so many testers have occupied for decades, but according to Janet Gregory, an agile testing coach and process consultant with DragonFire, there’s more testing to be done than ever—even if the additional workload they’re being asked to do can be unfair at times.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
hot or not The Lifecycle of Technology Trends

Trends are very important to follow, especially in the technology world, for both product and service companies. Mukesh Sharma explains the technology trend lifecycle and what it means for testers.

Mukesh Sharma's picture
Mukesh Sharma
Butterfly Transforming Your QA and Test Team

Testing professionals are essential to the success of technology projects. Delivering better, faster, and at a lower cost is not solely done with automation and development teams—testing professionals are here to stay and grow. But we have to fight for our place, and that means evolving with industry requirements.

Sophie Benjamin's picture
Sophie Benjamin
optimization Lessons from the Lovable Losers on Optimizing Your Test Engine

The Chicago Cubs’ championship win in 2016 signaled the end of the long-running debate on the use of analytics in Major League Baseball. Analytics had won. Meanwhile, the emergence of analytics in the business world has been just as swift. Is analytics the next generation of test automation?

Geoff Meyer's picture
Geoff Meyer
robot Artificial Intelligence Only Works alongside Skilled Testers

If you look at artificial intelligence (AI) as the next big tool that can take your testing over the top rather than an inevitable replacement, the future of the profession becomes much brighter. Testing is changing, but for the foreseeable future, real testers still need to be closely involved.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Crowd Use Crowdsourcing as a Shortcut on the UI Test Automation Journey

If you run a web or mobile application with a human-facing UI, you will want to conduct end-to-end tests through the UI. A manual QA team could do that, but we don't have that kind of time in today's agile world. Crowdsourcing can be a great resource for maintaining speed and quality in your end-to-end testing.

Daria Mehra's picture
Daria Mehra