code review

Jeff Langr Cultivating Quality Code: A Slack Takeover with Jeff Langr

Thought leaders from the software community are taking over the TechWell Hub to answer questions and engage in conversations. Jeff Langr, author of a number of books about software, hosted this Slack takeover and discussed the pros of unit testing versus end-to-end testing, code reviews, and test-driven development.

Cristy Bird's picture
Cristy Bird
Silver stopwatch Getting Faster Pull Requests in an Agile Environment

Pull requests may not seem to fit into agile development, but they can work well if done right. If you can maintain feedback on your working software from frequent integration, using PRs can help people understand your code. The speed at which PRs can be reviewed depends on three things: context, size, and atomicity.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk