crowd testing

Crowd testing 4 Reasons to Boost Your Regular Test Efforts with Crowd Testing

Crowd testing is an inexpensive yet powerful way to test your products before going live. It’s not meant to replace your team’s testing—rather, it is all about leveraging users and the cloud for seamless software testing that acts as a complement to your traditional testing services. Here's why you should use it.

Sunil Sehgal's picture
Sunil Sehgal
Can End-Users Help Enhance Product Quality?

It is a well-accepted fact that bringing end-user focus into a product is very important to its overall success. Testers have always been viewed as end-user advocates in product teams. What is becoming more important is to engage end-users in the product development cycle in every possible way.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban