From Documentation to Automation A defined, repeatable process frees people from spending energy thinking about solved problems, and an automated one makes this even easier. While not all development steps can be easily automated, some can, and documentation is an essential first step. Automate what makes sense and you'll have reliable processes. |
The What, Who, and How of Developing a Test Strategy In the world of agile, people often think of test strategy documents as outdated or unnecessary. But having a defined plan of action for how you're going to test a system, application, or business function is always useful. Here's how to break that down into what, who, and how so you can understand your tests' purpose. |
When Buying New Software, Make Sure You're Getting What You Really Need The first step in any significant software procurement is to assure there is a clear definition of the business problem being solved. If you don’t know what you want, you aren’t prepared to negotiate for it, so you'll end up with a system or tool that isn't what you need—and you'll likely be disappointed at delivery. |
Tips and Resources for Better Writing If you’re asked to contribute to your company’s e-newsletter or draft a blog post for the website or a design document, here are a few writing tips and resources you may find helpful. |
Common Perils that Persist for Programmers We round out the discussion and tie up loose ends in the perils of programming productivity pitfalls. Read on to find solutions to the problems that could be plaguing your work. |
Achieving Transparency in Your Next Agile Project There has been a lot of news recently about increasing transparency in government. While government operations pose significant challenges to ensuring transparency, agile projects can suffer from these challenges as well. Technical debt and documentation are areas where project teams can improve. |
Can Capability Maturity Model Integration Coexist with Agile? Joe Townsend explores whether or not Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) can coexist with agile. Remember that the Agile Manifesto specifically addresses processes, and the CMMi is, without a doubt, centered on process and documentation. |
Why Documentation Is Important in Agile, Too Should agile teams relax the requirement that user documentation be updated during each sprint? After all, the Agile Manifesto prefers working software over comprehensive documentation, so shouldn’t we be able to relax that requirement? Scott Sehlhorst explains why his response is "absolutely not." |