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The Importance of Goal Alignment in Agile and DevOps For agile and DevOps teams to succeed, there must be a common vision that strives for detailed customer-focused outcomes. There’s never a magic bullet to address goal misalignment, as the challenges are context-specific, but here are some approaches that help move organizations and teams toward better alignment. |
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7 Harms Done by Keeping Unrealistic Project Goals Project management is about supporting informed decision-making. No one wants to break the news that a project is not on schedule, but a good sponsor would want to know that the original goals are no longer realistic. Reluctance to communicate or unwillingness to hear have some real business consequences. |
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What Helps or Hinders Achieving Your Goals? It takes a lot more than the proper frame of mind to reach a goal, but you’re far less likely to reach a goal if you have the wrong frame of mind. So make a plan, establish a deadline, and think about any potential perils and pitfalls that could derail reaching your goal. |
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Start the New Year with a Retrospective This new year, instead of a resolution, consider a retrospective. Rather than just setting one large goal for yourself, you review what you've been doing, what's been working and what hasn't, what you want to accomplish, and what small steps you can take every day to reach your objective. |
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How to Create a Team Charter for Success Do you find yourself working on a team that lacks initiative except for the things each individual finds useful? Making a team charter may help your team find their core values and purpose in the organization. Linda Cook tells you how to create a team charter that will point your team in the right direction. |
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Managers Are Still Good for Self-Organizing Agile Teams When teams self-organize to deliver software and solve problems, they can be more robust, effective, and directed. But this begs the question: If agile teams self-organize, do they really need managers? Yes, they do. Managers help create conditions that help teams thrive. Read on to find out how. |
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How to Plan for Your Goals—and Then Reach Them Chances are good that by now, you've already given up on your New Year's resolution—or at least aren't quite where you want to be with it. How can you turn it around? Achieving your goals often depends on the way you map out how you plan on getting there in the first place. Read on for some advice. |
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Goals Are Good, but Adaptation Is Often Better Setting goals is admirable. But in doing so, you can't neglect the possibility of change. What good is achieving your goals if they became irrelevant or the assumptions behind them were incorrect in the first place? It's smarter to focus on the ultimate outcome you want, not just compliance to plan. |