
The Value of the Skeptic in the Workplace

In the workplace, a healthy dose of skepticism seems both appropriate and valuable in most major undertakings because it acknowledges the human tendency to make mistakes and to fall victim to cognitive biases. So don't surround yourself with people who think exactly like you—challenge your opinions!

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
What It Takes to Excel as a Project Manager

It’s a tough job being a project manager. You need to view problems as challenges, look for the reasons behind requests and actions, think in details while not losing sight of the big picture, and give team members feedback. But for those who take to it, it can be an immensely exciting position.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Think Test Offshoring Is Automatically Less Expensive? Think Again

Why does senior management split developers and testers? Because they do not realize that software is about collaboration. Success happens when you hire feature teams in one location. When CIOs are under pressure to reduce budget and release faster, they think offshoring—but that has other costs.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
What to Do When Your Team Isn't Meeting Expectations

Steve Berczuk writes that it’s worth thinking about what your assumptions are when you feel like a person or a team isn’t meeting expectations. With the right context, you can focus on solving problems. Without it, the best you can do is try to establish blame.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
What to Do (and What Not to Do) When an Employee Resigns

When an employee resigns, you have work to do. You have to determine the impact, figure out a transfer plan, and ensure that work in progress continues. But this isn't all about you and your remaining employees—there's a lot still left to do for the departing employee. Read on for transition tips.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Coach New Project Team Members to Succeed

Managers need to conduct one-on-ones, and it's especially important with new people. Managers might not need to perform the on-the-job coaching, but they need to make sure the coaching gets done by someone. Otherwise, new hires are not going to perform at the levels they should—or could.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman
Lessons to Learn from AOL's Recent Firing Debacle

A lot of people have heard of AOL, but they may not have known much about Tim Armstrong, the company’s CEO, until last week. Venkatesh Krishnamurthy explains the lessons to learn from Armstrong's public firing of an employee.

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy's picture
Venkatesh Krish...
Four Steps to Managing Programs with Agile and Traditional Projects

You are a program manager with some agile projects and some traditional projects in the midst of an agile transition. How do you manage the program? You have to help the traditional project managers work in some new and different ways. Here are four steps to help the adjustment go more smoothly.

Johanna Rothman's picture
Johanna Rothman