
What the Best Software Managers for Scrum Teams Do

Steve Vaughn shares his experiences as a software manager for multiple Scrum teams. In Steve's eyes, the best software managers hire the right people for the job, give them assignments where they can be most successful, and create a work environment where teams produce high quality systems.

Steve Vaughn's picture
Steve Vaughn
Book Review: The Human Side of Agile

Being agile is difficult. Not only are there technical and organizational challenges, but the very nature of the way agile methods work brings the assumptions, context, and fears of team members to the foreground. These people issues are explored in Gil Broza’s book, The Human Side of Agile.

Steve Berczuk's picture
Steve Berczuk
Tips for Dealing with a New Boss

After all the effort you put into establishing a good relationship with your boss, it doesn’t seem fair that you get a new one and have to start all over. Naomi Karten shares with us tips for dealing with a new boss.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Five Reasons Why Agile Can Fail

Unfortunately, some projects fail, even when using an agile development methodology. Instead of just rehashing horror stories, Joe Townsend attempts to get to the bottom of why these failures occur.

Joe Townsend's picture
Joe Townsend
The Myths and Realities of Creativity

Are you creative? Most people, if asked, say they’re not—but they’re wrong. One of the most common myths about creativity is that only artists, writers, and musicians are creative. Another myth is that creativity depends entirely on the person and not on the person’s environment.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Why Managers Need to Coach

Naomi Karten writes that coaching is increasingly seen as one of the manager’s most important responsibilities. Research suggests that organizations effective at teaching managers to coach deliver higher levels of employee productivity, employee engagement, and financial performance.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
Tips to Retain Software Developers in a Hot Market

Since 2010, software developers have been the most in-demand professionals throughout the United States. In a market this hot, retention is even more difficult than finding talent, and developers are under an almost constant assault from recruiting agencies.

Steve Vaughn's picture
Steve Vaughn
How to Gain an Executive's Attention

The one thing executives are predictably short of is time. Because of this, the challenge for executives is to cut through all the other information that they are being bombarded with. Naomi Karten explains how you can gain the attention of executives despite their busy schedules.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten