
Is Cloud Computing Taking Over the Tech Industry?

Undoubtedly, cloud computing has been one of the largest paradigm changes the technology industry has seen during the last decade. Players both big and small are making investments to gain market share, and news items related to cloud computing are increasingly omnipresent.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Deep Dive: Microsoft Explores Ocean Data Centers

Data centers are regarded as energy hogs by many, and the hope is that renewable power sources can become a cost-effective alternative. Microsoft recently launched Project Natick to find out if data centers located under the ocean could be a viable possibility.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Does the Future of IT Depend on How Invisible It Will Be to Users?

Recent data revealed that Google led the explicit core search market in the US with 64.5 percent market share, followed by Microsoft Bing with 19.8 percent. While Google's dominance in search is assumed, Bing seems to be finding creative ways to narrow the lead—invisibility!

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine
Emotion Tracking Software: Beneficial or Harmful?

The first question you might have about a human emotion tracking application is: What is the value of understanding human emotions? It's understandable that the data collected can be used for meaningful purposes, but how could this adversely impact users' security and privacy?

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Is It Better to Be a Generalist or a Specialist?

Microsoft's decision to make its Siri-like assistant Cortana available not only on Microsoft's OS but also on iOS and Android is seen as part of Microsoft's cross-platform initiative. Is this a sign that the tech world now prefers generalists more than specialists?

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine
Predictive Policing Is on the Rise

Traditionally, technology has been used in a reactive way to address a crime after it has happened. Recently, there's been a proactive trend towards predictive policing—especially through efforts by software giants such as Microsoft—to potentially curb a crime before it even happens.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Integration Is Key for Enabling the Internet of Things

Technology companies are rushing to establish market domination by creating platforms and interface standards to support their version of the IoT vision. With all the hype, it is hard to cut through to the reality that IoT applications only work if all the moving pieces are well-integrated.

Beth Cohen's picture
Beth Cohen
Are Enhancements to Email Products Worth the Effort?

For years we have heard some version of the now almost clichéd phrase "Email is dead." However, the need for having an email account has barely diminished. Recently many tech companies have been investing in making the email experience better than what it has been traditionally.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine