
Large Organizations Have Unique Problems—Just Ask Google

Google has been famous for its 20 percent time policy, but recently there has been growing speculation that this policy is kind of dying within Google. Is the organization's large size to blame? Anuj Magazine looks at some of the unique problems inherent in large organizations.

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Anuj Magazine
Internal vs. External CEOs—The Microsoft Case Study

Discussion about who the next Microsoft CEO will be, what the CEO's focus should be, what challenges this new person needs to tackle, and whether the person should be an internal or an external hire are all being feverishly talked about. Which path will the succession planning committee take?

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Is Translation Technology Making Learning Languages Irrelevant?

Anuj Magazine looks at the latest developments in translation technology and how these new technologies may influence—or even replace—our need to learn a different language.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine
August Software News Roundup

In this roundup of interesting software news, read about a new software scheme targeting YouTube viewers, Microsoft’s attempts to move its software development processes to the cloud, and what the chief architect of Microsoft Word and Excel has to say about the complexity of software development.

Jonathan Vanian's picture
Jonathan Vanian
How Android Became the OS of the Internet of Things

Steve Vaughn writes that the Android operating system is making possible the concept of the Internet of Things. The opportunity is available to device makers to deliver innovation through the existing Android app ecosystem

Steve Vaughn's picture
Steve Vaughn
Will Microsoft’s Reorganization Achieve Its Objectives?

Microsoft recently announced a massive reorganization to enable innovation at a greater efficiency. The move is being branded as the One Microsoft initiative toward the unification of their strategy. Anuj Magazine looks at the company's past and future organizational structure.

Anuj Magazine's picture
Anuj Magazine
The Rise of Android on the Desktop

With desktop PC sales plummeting, so has the influence of Microsoft and its Windows operating system. However, as consumers look to an alternative to Windows, it appears that PC makers are turning their attention to the Android OS. Steve Vaughn explores the rise of Android on the desktop.

Steve Vaughn's picture
Steve Vaughn
Is Private Cloud a Sustainable Solution for the Enterprise?

With a lot of press about the coming private cloud revolution, it might seem like a sign that the anticipated widespread enterprise adoption of the private cloud has final arrived. Beth Cohen looks at why companies might not be quite ready to switch from a public to a private cloud.

Beth Cohen's picture
Beth Cohen