
android talkback screen Mainstream Accessibility for Smart Devices

The ease of use and flexibility of smart devices have prompted more people, including the disabled community, to use and carry their devices every day. Because of this, a series of revolutionary accessibility changes have occurred in the market.

Sunil Dangwal's picture
Sunil Dangwal
Microsoft’s Kinect Might Finally Find a Home on Phones

Microsoft's Kinect hardware is looking to make the move to mobile phones this year, possibly giving the struggling tech new life. While Kinect wasn't successful in video games, PCs, or medical applications, taking advantage of this innovation on a much smaller scale is a tactic that could pay off.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
Google’s Project Ara Phone: Will You Accept the Challenge?

What if there were a modular smartphone, an endoskeleton with interchangeable parts you could customize to your needs? Google's Advanced Technology and Projects group is working on a concept—Project Ara—that will enable users to configure their own phone according to their personal preferences.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
The Challenges of Multiple "Internets": Desktop, Mobile, and Apps

The false existence of "Internets" might have been something to snicker at back in the day, but today, their existence is very real—and a headache for both developers and users. We take a look at how we got here and try to figure out how to return to "One Web."

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Wearables Fashioned to Render Smartphones Obsolete

The power to carry a phone, camera, and computer in your hand used to be pretty impressive. With the arrival of wearable technology, we'll all soon be free from the strain of having to use our hands at all. We may just have to get used to wearing a watch, or glasses, again.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
FCC Launches Security Checker Tool for Smartphones

Worried that consumers aren’t doing enough to ward against possible security threats on their smartphones, the FCC and other government and private entities are trying to get consumers to take steps. Pamela Rentz looks at the FCC's new Smartphone Security Checker tool and why we should be using it.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Phishers Ramp Up Attacks on Anyone with a Mobile Device

The number of mobile devices on our planet isn't far away from eclipsing Earth's entire population, and those attempting to steal personal information are well aware of that fact. Learn how you and even your children can prevent sharing too much information while using your favorite phone or tablet.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst
Mobile Development's Unique Challenges Solved by Agile

Learn how mobile developers are using agile's methodologies to traverse the unique landscape that mobile software presents. Although the Agile Manifesto was written long before smartphones and tablets and other mobile devices were built, agile's methodologies have never been more relevant.

Noel Wurst's picture
Noel Wurst