software conferences

The Importance of Diverse, Inclusive Software Conferences

By making a software conference inclusive, you avoid perpetuating the stereotypes that only certain people are good at technology. You're also helping to grow the pool of people who see a career in the computer industry as a possibility. Rick Scott looks at why diversity is beneficial for everyone.

Rick Scott's picture
Rick Scott
Is Software Testing a Thankless Job?

QA teams often get blamed for things that are out of their control. These three issues are the biggest pain points: missed bugs, missed deadlines, and poor quality

Mike Brown's picture
Mike Brown
An Interview with Mobile Testing Expert Karen N. Johnson

An independent software test consultant and a frequent speaker at software conferences, Karen N. Johnson is a mobile testing expert. In this exclusive Q&A, Karen shares her thoughts on mobile app testing, the latest testing trends, data warehousing, and other topics.

Mike Brown's picture
Mike Brown
Creating an Engaging Presentation

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation, remember that you really do not need a groundbreaking discovery to craft a conference proposal. What you do need is a presentation that will help people learn something or see a topic from a new angle.

Rick Scott's picture
Rick Scott
Learning by Osmosis

We've got access to more information than at any time in history, but all that information can be a benefit or a burden. Don't squander your attention. Spend it intelligently, and make sure you get something of value in return for your time by adjusting your information intake.

Rick Scott's picture
Rick Scott