
How and When to Incorporate New Software Tools into Your Team

Change isn’t always necessary—or even good, for that matter—but when is it actually the right time to incorporate a new tool, language, or piece of technology that might be taking the market by storm into your business? How do you identify the risks?

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
What Would an Open Source Swift Look Like?

Apple could see significant benefits if it made Swift an open source product. Innovation often stems from shared coding languages, and if Android is any indication, going that route can also open up new markets and business ventures. However, the drawback of fragmentation may discourage that option.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
What Apple’s Swift Means for Developers, Testers, and Businesses

Apple surprised people at the Worldwide Developers Conference by introducing Swift, a brand-new programming language for OS X and iOS application development. What will this mean for developers, testers, and businesses who have poured time and resources into developing Objective-C expertise?

Jennifer Bonine's picture
Jennifer Bonine