technical skills
Stop Faking It: There Are Better Ways to Acquire Technical Skills Everyone wants to hire someone who can “hit the ground running.” But seeking a candidate who has all nine of the core skills listed on the job description shouldn't be the goal; instead, it's more important to find someone who can learn quickly, collaborate with others, and acquire those skills through work. |
Testers, Tech It Up! Become More Technically Competent As our world becomes more complex, the demand for technical testing expertise is going up. While there will always be a need for domain specialists, we also need just as many technical testing roles—particularly with programming skills. Mike Sowers has some ideas on developing additional technical expertise. |
A 2015 Graduate Testing in a DevOps World Testing professionals who graduated in past decades know that methods then were highly process-oriented, with no automation. Those methods have evolved into a world that needs continuous testing to meet deployment needs. Here are the key skills an aspiring tester graduating now should think about. |
The Many New Forces Driving Who Becomes Your Next CIO This is a fascinating time to observe the role of CIO due to the many important forces simultaneously driving CIO selection criteria in different directions. The combination of data security and new IT trends may lead to the hiring of CIOs with a tech background first and business knowledge second. |
Growing into Leadership in Software Testing When considering leadership in testing, before leading others, try leading yourself. Don’t do typical “leader” stuff. Instead, look at what you do as a professional. How polished are your technical skills? How about your communication and interpersonal skills? What do you do to make yourself better? |
Understanding the Pace of Change: How to Stay Relevant in Your Role The rate at which we need to change and the speed of change are much greater than they used to be. We don't have as much time to get as deep in our skills, and we need to be more comfortable being generalists and picking up new skills, technologies, and processes quickly. Read on to stay relevant. |
How to Hire a Versatile, Effective Learner Hiring based on the specific skill set your team uses now seems like a good idea, but what about a year from now? Will you have moved on to new technology or practices, and will your new hire be left in the dust? It's better for the long-term health of your company to hire a quick, adaptive learner. |