time management

Approaches for Effective Meetings

An interesting paradox many project teams face is that while collaboration is highly valued, collaboration often takes the form of one of the biggest time wasters humans have ever invented—meetings. Kent McDonald explores effective approaches to leading an effective meeting.

Kent J. McDonald's picture
Kent J. McDonald
How Kanban Can Help You Be More Productive

Although multi-tabbed browsers allow users to open multiple websites in one window, people might see their productivity fall by the wayside with information overload. Venkatesh Krishnamurthy explains how kanban can help you deal with the dilemma (and anxiety) of having too many browser tabs open.

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy's picture
Venkatesh Krish...
Waiting in (an Often Interminable) Line

Rare is the person who enjoys waiting in line. Yet, wait we must, because invariably there’s someone or something ahead of us that’s determined to impede our progress—or at least it often feels that way. Naomi Karten shares some tips to make waiting less onerous.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten
The Myth of Time Management

Time management is a myth. No matter what you do, time itself isn’t going to change. If you have too much to do, all you can change is yourself. Here are a few of the ideas to help you get on the right path.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten