The Latest Stories
Requirements Gathering vs. Elicitation While mature business analysis professionals and organizations have adopted “elicitation” as a preferred term, the business analyst job market has not gotten the memo. Laura Brandenburg explores the latest and greatest term "requirements gathering" and discusses if either of these terms is accurate. |
What Can You Do with Big Data? Big data doesn’t refer to high fives or towering twelves. It refers to lots of data. The primary goal of handling big data is to capture all the data available in a given computing scenario and then analyze it to find identifiable business, behavior, or other patterns. |
VMware Updates vCloud Suite While Cisco Eyes a Potential Rival Virtualization software giant VMware, Inc. made news this week with an update to the company’s vCloud Suite 5.1 while two top executives at VMware and Cisco made public the companies’ tenuously friendly relationship. |
How Software Leans toward Agility and Experimentation Agility depends on learning and experimentation. You make decisions, execute, and then re-evaluate. Steve Berczuk explores why software development is a natural medium for experimentation and agility, because, in a physical sense, software is relatively easy to manipulate. |
The Top Five UX Pet Peeves We Love to Hate The common themes underlying many user experience problems boil down to forcing users to do work that the software should have done for them or assuming that software developers know better than users what they want or need. Rick Scott details his top five user experience pet peeves. |
Waiting in (an Often Interminable) Line Rare is the person who enjoys waiting in line. Yet, wait we must, because invariably there’s someone or something ahead of us that’s determined to impede our progress—or at least it often feels that way. Naomi Karten shares some tips to make waiting less onerous. |
mHealth—The New Medical Best Practice The Federal Communications Commission is putting muscle behind the the government's mHealth (mobile health) push. The goal is that mobile health will be a routine medical best practice within five years. |
New Encryption App Protects Both the Good—and Bad—Guys With new advancements in technology come the fears of wondering what purposes they'll be used for. Now that full-scale phone call and data encryption are available for everyone, can we really be certain we're not arming the wrong people with this much protection? |