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DevSecOps Could Have Prevented the Equifax Breach The Equifax cyber security breach compromised millions of people's confidential information. If you’re worried about how you can prevent an IT disaster of this scale at your own organization, there is an answer: DevSecOps, which incorporates security into DevOps practices to ensure weaknesses are exposed early on. |
Cyber Surfing and Child Safety Cyber threats and security breaches are not going away any time soon, unfortunately. In fact, many of us are now taking online security practices more seriously. With the surfeit of digital entertainment options available today, it’s time to get kids in the habit of practicing cyber safety as well. |
What Testers Need to Know about Security Every single tester should keep an eye on what security vulnerabilities might be plaguing their testing, but speaking in an interview at STARWEST 2016, Jeff Payne, the CEO and founder of Coveros, explained why you need to put a focus on security very early in the process. |
Where Does the Burden of Software Security Lie? Security is continuing to skyrocket in importance as we tie more and more aspects of our personal life to the phones we carry. And with the Internet of Things burrowing deeper and deeper into our daily lives, we need to understand who has access to our info and how we can best protect ourselves. |
Make Your Security Testing More Agile Security practices traditionally have followed a waterfall model, adding security testing on at the end. Organizations need to coach their security programs and testers to prioritize analysis and risk, much like we do with agile stories, to better incorporate security defects with other feature work along the way. |
Building for the Internet of Things Is Great—Just Keep Security in Mind The Internet of Things gives us opportunities to transform everyday life into frictionless interactions between humans and machines. However, that also means the technological attack surface is everything. Makers learning how to build IoT devices must also learn how to build safe, secure, and compliant devices. |
3 Essential Components to Building a Security Testing Practice Most mobile app development teams lack a security testing practice, or if they do have one, it lacks the maturity to be effective. But the great security practices are not necessarily those that spend the most money or have the most engineers. It’s the ones that have adopted these three fundamental concepts. |
Why Integration Testing Is Crucial for Mobile Apps When customers use a mobile app you built, they expect seamless integration. Performing integration testing is essential due to the need to sync these apps with all the other devices and interfaces. With so many products in the mobile and IoT ecosystems, it is important for testers to think like their users. |