Georgia Tech Issues Cyber Threat Forecast for 2013

What possible cyber threats are lurking on the horizon for IT security professionals to contend with in the upcoming year? New and increasingly sophisticated means to capture and exploit user data, escalating battles over the control of online information, and continuous threats to the US supply chain from global sources are real possibilities.
Those are some of the predictions included in the Georgia Tech Emerging Cyber Threats Report for 2013 released at the Georgia Tech Cyber Security Summit held November 14, 2012, in Atlanta. The annual event was hosted by the Georgia Tech Research Institute (the nonprofit applied research and development arm of the Georgia Institute of Technology) and the Georgia Tech Information Security Center.
Other possible threats noted in the report include:
Cloud-based Botnets—The ability to create vast, virtual computing resources will further convince cyber criminals to look for ways to co-opt cloud-based infrastructure for their own ends.
Search History Poisoning—Researchers believe that, moving beyond typical search-engine poisoning, manipulating users’ search histories may be the next step attackers take to use legitimate resources for illegitimate gains.
Mobile Browser and Mobile Wallet Vulnerabilities—While only a very small number of mobile devices in the US show signs of infection, the growth of smartphones will tempt attackers to exploit user and technology-based vulnerabilities, particularly with the browser function and digital wallet apps.
Malware Counteroffensive—The developers of malicious software will employ various methods to hinder malware detection, such as hardening their software with techniques similar to those employed in Digital Rights Management (DRM) and exploiting the wealth of new interfaces and novel features on mobile devices.
According to industry IT publication Network World, Bo Rotoloni, the director of the Georgia Tech Research Institute's Cyber Technology and Information Security Laboratory, noted: "Our best defense on the growing cyber warfront is found in cooperative education and awareness, best-of-breed tools and robust policy developed collaboratively by industry, academia and government."
What are you predictions regarding cyber threats for the new year?