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Keeping Your Software Testing Abilities Relevant Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Development and product teams have embraced agile and DevOps. What can testers do to keep up with their development peers? Here are some ideas about what testers can learn, what skills we can add, and what processes we can start doing in order to continue delivering quality today, tomorrow, and further into the future. |
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Software Testing and Development Is Now a Team Sport One person might be the spark that starts the fire, but it takes multiple people to help keep the flame burning. Developers and testers rely on each other more and more these days, and you need to be able to pass something along to someone with different talents in order to successfully reach the finish line. |
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Thinking of Changing Jobs? Consider These Points First There are certainly valid reasons to look for a new job. In fact, it may be that you can achieve some of your career goals only by switching jobs. But in considering the right and wrong reasons for changing jobs, it’s important not to see the current job as no good and some unknown future job as the “perfect solution.” |
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What’s Your “Size” of Agile? There are approaches to agile that sound great on paper, but will they really be the best choice for your team in practice? Instead of standardizing on any form of agile, think about the results you want. Why not create the environment that works best for you? There's more than one way to do agile. |
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Agile Testers Shouldn’t Be Enablers Testing has often been seen as the final stage of creating an application. Since we weren’t shifting testing left as much as we do today, a great deal of work was thrown on the testing team at the very end of an exhausting project cycle. But testers shouldn’t be seen as the last line of defense. |
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How Testers Can Create a Change in Mindset With all of the changes happening in the testing world and what is expected in order to succeed, one of the things that is needed is a change in mindset. Today’s testers need to be able to think outside traditional system requirements and instead focus on end user expectations and market acceptance. |
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The Cognitive Costs of Multitasking We've heard that multitasking impairs your ability to concentrate and do an effective job of each task. But did you know it can also have negative effects on your brain? Researchers have found that multitaskers may have difficulty paying attention and recalling information, and they may even experience decreased IQ. |