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Why User Interface Test Automation Is Worth Doing Well It can be hard to produce reliable, stable UI tests. But these tests come the closest to simulating the actions of a real user, and they help ensure that your product works as a cohesive system. Consequently, UI test automation is worth doing, and worth doing well—with the same standards as any other tests. |
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Is the "Traditional Tester" Just a Myth? When discussing agile and its impact on the industry, the concept of the “traditional testing role” is often a topic of conversation. However, we shouldn’t just assume that this “traditional” tester is as common as we seem to make it sound, as testers have always had to do more than just test. |
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Mistakes We Make in Testing A tester starting in the profession recently asked Michael Sowers, "What are some of the most common mistakes we make as testers?" He wrote down some of the more common ones he could think of that are made before, during, and after testing. How many of these could you turn into learning opportunities? |
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Use Process Improvement Methods to Elevate Your Test/QA Workflow Quality assurance testers may feel overwhelmed by all they have to do and the short time they have to do it. Implementing proven process improvement techniques can help streamline or replace existing models, making testers’ workloads manageable and letting them accomplish more—without sacrificing quality. |
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Why Your Test Efforts Should Tackle Data First Automation projects often start by tackling the technical issues, but Linda Hayes says a specific data environment should be established first. If you can’t control, define, and predict your data, you won’t have the repeatability that makes test automation practical—but it makes sense for manual testing, too. |