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Tools—Some Assembly Required

A tool architecture is simply a picture of all your development, testing, and deployment tools and how they fit together. Creating a "current state" diagram and then looking forward and creating a "future state" diagram helps you understand where tool integrations would be beneficial.

Michael Sowers's picture
Michael Sowers
What Companies Can Learn from Google’s Workplace Bias Training

Google is one of many tech companies called out for a lack of diversity in their workforce. To change their company mindset, Google is endeavoring to help employees change their unconscious biases. Pamela Rentz highlights what others can learn from Google's workplace bias training.

Pamela Rentz's picture
Pamela Rentz
Tips for Telephone Meetings

In today’s working world, it has become commonplace to communicate with others outside of the office and to collaborate with remote employees or teams. Email can get a lot done, but sometimes a phone meeting is your best bet. Here are some tips for maximizing your efforts in telephone meetings.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture
Cameron Philipp...
The Resurgence of Enterprise Software

Enterprise software has long existed and grown with changes in technology. During a shift in focus to mobile computing, mobile app development, and enterprises working to embrace the cloud, it would not be unfair to say that enterprise software was briefly sidelined―but it's making a resurgence.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban
Shift Left and Put Quality First

When switching to an agile workflow, it's assumed that you'll be able to deliver products faster and more efficiently right away. But adopting agile is just one part of the equation. You also have to focus on the technical enablers you need. Adam Auerbach explains some factors that worked for him.

Adam Auerbach's picture
Adam Auerbach
The Race to Smartwatch Supremacy

In an attempt to compete with Google and Apple, Pebble, which Kickstarted one of the first smartwatches two years ago, is dropping its prices and adding new functionality. The company will have to continue to push, though, if it hopes to remain relevant in this now competitive industry.

Josiah Renaudin's picture
Josiah Renaudin
How to Manage a Crisis So Your Business Saves Face

No company is immune to a crisis. If you find your organization in a position where it could stand to lose customers, money, or its reputation, the first thing you need to do is own up to the situation. This story talks about what communications actions companies can take to mitigate a crisis.

Naomi Karten's picture
Naomi Karten